This work, measuring the home and school environments of adolescents, is part of two projects. The first larger project on Transdisciplinary Research on Energetics and Cancer (TREC), Examining the Obesity Epidemic through Youth, Family, and Young Adults, is led by PI Robert Jeffrey. The IDEA sub-study, is led by project PI Leslie Lytle: A related study, ECHO, uses the same methods and measures with a new group of particpants..
Overweight and obesity among adolescents is increasing across the globe, but the rise is particularly dramatic in the United States. These studies examine cancer and obesity risks by examining psychological, social, genetic, and environmental features. Ann Forsyth, in collaboration with the Minnesota Population Center, examined the built environment at a community level, including such factors as population density, street pattern, mixed use, pedestrian infrastructure, and access to different kinds of food stores and services. Similar measures are being done for the EAT-III study:
- LEAN-GIS (Local Environment for Activity and Nutrition–Geographic Information Systems), Ver 2.1 January 2012 (1.3 MB)
- LEAN-GIS (Local Environment for Activity and Nutrition–Geographic Information Systems), Ver 2.0 December 2010 (1.3 MB)
- Environment, Food, and Youth: GIS Protocols Ver. 1.3 November 2007 (2.1 MB)
- Environment, Food, and Youth: GIS Protocols Ver. 1.2 July 2007 (2.2 MB)
- Environment, Food, and Youth: GIS Protocols Ver. 1.1 May 2007 (2 MB)
First Online Edition
Companion Link: Environment and Physical Activity GIS Manual
This extends work done in the Twin Cities Walking Study by focusing on a younger age group and adding more detail about food environments. This is part of a larger network of grantees. More information about the program is available at the National Cancer Institute.
Publications by Design for Health Team Members
2011 D.R. Dengel, M.O Hearst, J.H. Harmon, A. Forsyth, L.A. Lytle. Impact of the Built Environment on Metabolic Syndrome and Other Physiology Variables. In G. Baquet, S. Berthoin eds. Children and Exercise XXV: The Proceedings of the 25th Pediatric Work Physiology Meeting. Oxford: Routledge, pp. 59-64.
2010 A. Forsyth, L. Lytle, and D. Van Riper. Finding Food: Issues and Challenges in Using GIS to Measure Food Access. Journal of Transport and Land Use 3, 1:43–65. doi: 10.5198/ jtlu.v3i1.105.
2010 M. Nelson Laska, M. Hearst, A. Forsyth, K. Pasch, L. Lytle. Neighborhood Food Environments: Are they Associated with Adolescent Dietary Intake, Food Purchases, and Weight Status? Public Health Nutrition 13: 1757-1763.
2009 D. Dengel, M.O. Hearst, J.H. Harmon, A. Forsyth, L.A. Lytle. Does the Built Environment Relate to the Metabolic Syndrome in Adolescents? [In Suburbs.] Health and Place 15:946-951.
2009 K.E. Pasch, M.O. Hearst, M.C. Nelson, A. Forsyth, L.A. Lytle. Alcohol Outlets and Youth Alcohol Use: Exposure in Suburban Areas. Health and Place 15: 642-646.
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