City of Ramsey
Ramsey is a suburban city located in northwestern Anoka County, with a population of 23,800 and is bordered by both the Rum and Mississippi rivers. With funds from an Active Community Planning grant the City of Ramsey worked with a local consulting firm, Bonestroo, to conduct a Health Impact Assessment (HIA) Threshold Analysis and to add a new Community Health and Wellness chapter into its comprehensive plan.
The goal of the HIA Threshold Analysis document was to use the most current and accurate knowledge and tools to assess the potential health impacts of current planning practices in Ramsey on the City’s residents, to set goals for improvement, and develop policy directions for future work. The final report is broken down by health topic and each topic area explains, in some detail, suggestions for policy changes to produce movement towards the goal. In addition, each section includes the final maps used for the analysis, as well as images that illustrate the various points.
The analysis includes a summary table outlining topics, goals, and policy directions in a manner that clearly communicates how the findings will inform the comprehensive plan and future plan implementation steps. This work is a terrific example of how the threshold analysis can help guide future decisions.
Final Report: HIA Threshold Analysis (4.65 MB)
Comprehensive Plan: Comprehensive Plan