
City of Minneapolis

The City of Minneapolis used funds from an Active Community Planning grant to create a Pedestrian Master Plan for Minneapolis. The Pedestrian Master Plan is an overall guide to help the City identify, plan, design, construct, and maintain pedestrian facilities. These facilities include sidewalks, paths, walkways, crosswalks, traffic signals, and lighting. In addition, the plan will help the City manage the many programs that are aimed at getting more people to walk, walk more often, and walk farther.

It’s overall purpose is to “Provide guidance on making Minneapolis a great walking city where people choose to walk for transportation, recreation, and health.” The plan was developed by City public works staff with the assistance of the consultant team of T.Y. Lin International, SRF Consulting, and Bacon and Associates. The City’s Pedestrian Advisory Committee provided overall guidance to City staff and consultants on the plan, and input from the public and stakeholder groups was sought through a series of public workshops.

Draft Plan: City of Minneapolis Pedestrian Master Plan

Final Plan: The comprehensive Minneapolis Plan for Sustainable Growth was adopted in 2009 and updated in 2011.

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