- Planning Information Sheets
This series gives examples on how to incorporate health into policy and planning efforts. While the sheets are arranged by health topic, planners can also quickly locate many common planning concepts and tools.
- Key Questions Research Summaries
This series provides short and digestible summaries about what research says and doesn’t say on topics relevant to the comprehensive planning process.
- Plan Case Studies
These studies provide an in-depth review of how King County, Washington, and Fremantle, Western Australia, are integrating physical activity into their communities.
- Health Impact Assessment (HIA)
This series offers a variety of HIA tools to identify and evaluate the effects of policies, plans, programs, and design on health.
- Comprehensive Plan Review Checklists
These checklists summarize the key points of the DFH background and HIA materials. Topics match the plan elements required by the Twin Cities Metropolitan Council.
- Financing Health and Planning Initiatives
This is a list of funding sources that communities can use to help incorporate health into planning through the implementation process. The page is broken down by local, state, federal, and private sources of funding.
- Event Presentations
DFH held twos event series in Minnesota. Once featured national and international experts. Presentations are available on topics, such as safe routes to school and school siting, comprehensive planning for healthy communities, safety in public places, active transportation and facility planning, and others. The other involved training in Health Impact Assessment with the state health department.
- Participation and Planning for Health
How can the public participate in planning for health? Which DFH tools can be used in participation processes or modified for such use? This fact sheet deals with these two issues.
- Communicating about Health Impacts (80 KB)
HIA tools produce a large amount of useful information about various health topics, the location of health impacts, and who is affected by a project, plan, or policy. This fact sheet presents practical ideas for presenting information about the HIA process and the findings of HIA studies to a variety of audiences.
- Topical Planning Guides
These guides provide information about the following topics: how to plan for special populations (such as children, senior, and those with low incomes), how to finance health and planning initiatives, how to use DFH tools in participation process, and how to locate research about health topics.
- Metropolitan Council and Health Planning Matrix (605 KB)
This matrix is from the Planning Information Sheet: Integrating Health into Comprehensive Planning, and shows where certain health topics can be covered within the comprehensive plan elements.
- Places in Minnesota
Nineteen communities address public-health issues in their comprehensive plan updates for 2008, and DFH includes information about each community.
- Image Slideshows
These provide easily accessible photographs to illustrate key health issues.
- Images on Flickr
An expanded set of accessible photos on health-related themes.
- Example Plans
This section provides a few overall exemplary plans as well as links to some of the plans highlighted in our Information Sheets, organized by health topic.
- Scholarly Articles and Presentations
Design For Health publishes and presents on the project.
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