Seniors, Health and Planning References

  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 2007. Elders’ health and the built environment.
  2. Design for Health (DFH). 2007. Key questions: Food access. Ver. 2.0.
  3. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA). 2006. Health and environmental impacts of CO.
  4. DFH. 2007. Key questions: Air quality. Ver. 2.0.
  5. DFH. 2007. Planning information sheet: Considering promoting accessibility with comprehensive planning and ordinances. Ver. 2.0.
  6. Australian Local Government Association (ALGA). 2005. Age-friendly built environments: Opportunities for local government.
  7. Center for Universal Design, North Carolina State University; IDEA Center, University of Buffalo; and Global Universal Design Educator’s Network. 2004. Universal design education online.
  8. Kaufman, J. L., and K. Pothukuchi. 2000. The food system: A stranger to the planning field. Journal of the American Planning Association 66, 2:113-24.
  9. Chung, C., and S. L. Myers. 1999. Do the poor pay more for food? An analysis of grocery store availability and food price disparities. Journal of Consumer Affairs 33, 2:276.
  10. Burdette, H., and R. C. Whitacker. 2003. Neighborhood playgrounds, fast food restaurants, and crime: Relationships to overweight in low-income preschool children. Preventive Medicine 38: 57-63.
  11. Sloane, D. 2004. Bad meat and brown bananas. Progressive Planning 158:1, 7-8.
  12. Houston, D., J. Wu, P. Ong, and A. Winer. 2006. Down to the meter: Localized vehicle pollution matters. Access 29:22-7.
  13. DFH. 2007. Planning information sheet: Influencing air quality with comprehensive planning and ordinances. Ver. 2.0.
  14. South Coast Air Quality Management District (AQMD). 2005. Guidance document for addressing air quality issues in general plans and local planning: A reference for local governments within the South Coast Air Quality Management District, 26.

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