City of Saint Paul Park
Saint Paul Park is a small community on the Mississippi River in Washington County. The city was initially established as an industrial area, with nearby residential neighborhoods that housed industrial workers. This pattern continues as the city’s primary land-uses are single-family residential and heavy industrial. The main portion of the city is fully developed with access to regional services. Land has been recently annexed that will bring opportunities to better connect the Mississippi River to trails, parks, and surrounding communities.
Saint Paul Park used funds from an Active Community Planning grant to focus on the following themes in its plan update: aligning and identifying trail connections throughout the community; incorporating pedestrian-oriented strategies to revitalize the downtown; creating more active and passive parks; and raising community awareness about active-living opportunities.
The City of Saint Paul Park reviewed its existing trails and identified additional options for trail corridors that better connect areas of the community. In addition, the City identified the need for additional park space to accommodate the users in areas recently developed with single-family housing.
Final Plan: St. Paul Park Comprehensive Plan Update