Ramsey County
Active Living Ramsey County (ALRC) was formed in 2005 to create and promote environments that make it safe and convenient for people to integrate physical activity into their daily routines. ALRC represents a collaborative effort among elected officials and representatives from 18 cities, one township, Ramsey County departments, and other organizations, schools, and residents of Ramsey County. ALRC works to bring about and sustain changes in design, transportation, and public/private policies to cultivate and support a way of live that promotes physical activity.
ALRC used funds from an Active Community Planning grant to advance its work providing leadership and coordination to help its partners embrace diverse policies and programs that support active-living principles. It kicked of this process through a strategic planning process to identify health-related themes for the community that included improving health, identifying physical infrastructure and policies, and increasing community engagement. ALRC provides assistance to Ramsey County municipalities to explore ways health can be incorporated into the comprehensive-planning process. In addition, ALRC worked with the county to incorporate an active-living section in the County’s Comprehensive Plan.
Final Plan: Ramsey County 2008 Comprehensive Plan