>This UCLA clearinghouse has been a terrific resource for some time but has recently updated its web site: http://www.HIAGuide.org.
Particularly useful are its:
- List of HIA laws in the U.S.: http://www.hiaguide.org/legislation. It’s a short list which is interesting in itself.
- Nice division between sectors and pathways. Pathways include things like access to parks or air quality, akin to the Design for Health topics: http://www.hiaguide.org/sectors-and-causal-pathways/pathways. Sectors include taxation, housing, and education: http://www.hiaguide.org/sectors-and-causal-pathways/sectors.
- Inventory of HIA methods: http://www.hiaguide.org/methods-resources/methods
Still under construction is is useful already but promises to be an even richer resource.