General Reviews of Cycling and Walking

Members of the Design for Health team have prepared a number of reviews and syntheses of cycling and walking research as well as of tools for measurement..


2012 Charlier Associates, K. Krizek and A. Forsyth.  The Colorado Mile Markers: Recommendations for Measuring Active Transportation. Technical Report.

2011    A. Forsyth and K. Krizek. Urban Design: Is there a Distinctive View from the Bicycle? Journal of Urban Design 16, 4: 531-549.

2010    A. Forsyth and K. Krizek. Promoting Walking and Bicycling: Assessing the Evidence to Assist Planners. Built Environment: 36, 4: 429-446.

2009 Forsyth, K. Krizek, D. Rodriguez. Non-motorized Travel Research and Contemporary Planning Initiatives. Progress in Planning 71: 170-184. (Reprinted in the Chinese Journal of Urban and Regional Planning (translated into Chinese by Chaolin Gu)).

2009 K. Krizek, S. Handy, and A. Forsyth. Explaining Changes in Walking and Bicycling Behavior: Challenges for Transportation Research. Environment and Planning B 36: 725-740.

2009 R. Brownson, C. Hoehner, K. Day, A. Forsyth, J. Sallis. Measuring the Built Environment for Physical Activity: State of the Art. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 36, 4s: s99-s123.

2009 Krizek, K., A. Forsyth, and L. Baum. Walking and Cycling International Literature Review. Melbourne: Victoria Department of Transport.

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