The Design for Health (DFH) Key Questions series provides summaries of research on topics relevant to the comprehensive planning process. These help link evidence on the connections between health and the built environment to the work of urban planners. They were typically written in the 2007-2008 period and focus on providing an overview of the balance of evidence about the connections between health and environments.
- Key Questions: Background
and Instructions (293 KB) - Accessibility (717 KB)
- Air Quality (920 KB)
- Environment and Housing Quality(386 KB)
- Food Access (685 KB)
- Healthcare Access (2.66 MB)
- Mental Health (866 KB)
- Physical Activity (461 KB)
- Safety (1.48 MB)
- Social Capital (454 KB)
- Water Quality (493 KB)
Two other topics do not have research summaries but information sheets have been created and other information is available: